
The Blog Of A Beginner Blogger


Make no mistake, this is going to piss some people clean the hell off. Just for the record…… I don’t care.

The flag doesn’t mean shit, the flag is nothing more than 7 red bars 6 white bars and 50 white stars in a sea of blue.  The flag is a SYMBOL let me repeat that the flag is a SYMBOL of what this country is supposed to stand for, what this country is supposed to be about.  Which I thought like many blacks Freedom, Liberty and Justice for ALL. But that is never what it stood for regarding blacks.  People want to get on a racial high horse and talk down to black men who kneel for an anthem that is anti-black. So in the fuck what if they removed that part of the song.  It should not have been used…. But you didn’t care about black people… when you chose it…. It didn’t degrade you, your wife, your husband your children or other family members.  So, you were ok with it.


You were more outraged that black men who happen to be athletes would dare talk up about the treatment of blacks and bring awareness to police brutality then you were when white nationalist sewed the American flag to the confederate flag.  You call into question black patriotism but then you allow a traitors flag to not only be flown alongside but also sewn to the American flag.  And then you allowed it to be linked to the Nazi flag and you were ok with that. You were ok with them linking them together like they were one in the same and well let us be honest to a lot of black people it is the same, but you yelled and screamed at someone kneeling. You hollered about how many people died for the flag but you only meant white veterans. You did not mean black veterans lynched and castrated wearing their uniforms by white mobs once they returned home from WAR, mobs that also included soldiers and veterans.  No those were not the men you were thinking of while you were screaming racial slurs and obscenities at black men and attacking anyone who supported them. You were ok when they were called monkeys and told to go back to Africa.  Oh, that was not a problem for you.  But let us not forget that your so called courageous Veterans also wore grey uniforms and fought against other Americans. Let us not forget these same veterans founded a terrorist organization like the Klan and let us not forget these same men were recruited to join police forces.  So FUCK you if you won’t understand why there is a particular relationship between blacks, the flag, and the anthem. We fucking have our own.   Fuck you if you won’t understand the relationship and long history of police brutality perpetrated against black men, women, and children.  And so if we are not clear FUCK YOU, THE FLAG and everything it stands for which if you read any parts of this blog is nothing concerning black folk……… I hope you are big mad.


Ok so that I sent the trolls and ignorant racist who think they are going to come for me because of this blog off on a tizzy let us get down to it.  For the intelligent people and the people who are reading this to understand and to possibly open up dialogue; I needed to take you on this journey to help you see that this is not some fly by night sentiment when one kneels or is absent during the anthem.  The entire country was split in half because one side wanted to do what they wanted and continue their way of life and the other side was against it.  I mean they went to war… brother against brother, families, and friends I mean an actual civil war with flags and quasi-governments included.  Yet people have a problem with a silent, peaceful protest.  They took a knee to bring attention to issues going on in the black community and people lost their damn minds.  They focused on all the wrong things… They focused on everything but the actual issues.   It is funny because and I don’t mean Ha Ha but this country has NEVER recognized or officially apologized for slavery.

The U.S. apologized for the Army hiding a Nazi war criminal. A formal apology was given to Japanese American’s that were interned in camps during World War II and offered reparations.

There was an apology to Hawaii for the role the U.S. Marines played in backing a coup that caused the queen to abdicate her thrown dissolving the kingdom.

During World War II, scientists working for the U.S. Public Health Service started one of the most infamous and unethical medical studies undertaken during the 20th century:. Starting in 1932, doctors working with the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama began conducting a long-term study on hundreds of black men to learn about the long-term progression of syphilis. The men were never informed that they were subjects of a study, and were never actually given the medical treatments that doctors told them they were receiving. In exchange for their unknowing participation, 399 black men living with syphilis were instead given meals, free medical exams, and free burial services after their deaths.

The study was originally meant to last six months, and it ended up running for 40 years—long after the discovery of penicillin and other medical treatments for the disease,  . The experiment was uncovered by an investigation by the Associated Press in 1972, resulting in a $10 million settlement with the surviving subjects. President Bill Clinton formally apologized for the unethical experiments in 1997.

There was a Democratic U.S. senator who mentioned how horrible the atrocities of slavery were but there has never been an apology.  I wonder why that is?  See when you do something wrong and you don’t apologize then what you are ultimately saying is you are not worth an apology or that you don’t really believe it was wrong in the first place.   I really need white people to stop trying to hold black people to your standards. We have never been treated the same in this country so our experiences are nothing like yours, our journey is not your journey, our wounds or not your wounds and they run deep to the core.   Please stop telling us how to be black or not to be black which is basically the same.  Now I am only open for intelligent thought-provoking conversation.  IF you want to debate a real issue, by all means, bring your facts and sources.  I live in reality so if you are one of those Alternative fact subscribers, Trolls or anything else you can dismiss yourself or I will do it for you.

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This entry was posted on November 27, 2018 by .